26 de marzo de 2011

Let's learn some idioms

Idioms are important because they are very common. It is not possible to speak, read or listen to English without meeting idiomatic language. This is not something you can leave until you reach an advanced level. All native speaker English is idiomatic so you can't avoid it or leave it till later.
Let's start with some tea idioms.

Some food for thought

What is school culture? (Wordle) by Thea Goldin Smith - This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
 The English language is nobody's special property.  It is the property of the imagination: it is the property of the language itself.”  ~Derek Walcott
"He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Kunst and Alterthum
"Any man who does not make himself proficient in at least two languages other than his own is a fool." ~Martin H. Fischer
"Language is by its very nature a communal thing; that is, it expresses never the exact thing but a compromise - that which is common to you, me, and everybody."  ~Thomas Earnest Hulme, Speculations, 1923
"A different language is a different vision of life."  ~Federico Fellini
"Learn a new language and get a new soul."  ~Czech Proverb